Our Daily Words to Live By

In Psalm 37: 5-7a states, "Commit YOUR way to the LORD; trust in HIM and HE will do this: He will make YOUR righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of YOUR cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for HIM."

As YOU browse this site, open YOUR heart to what the LORD has invited YOU to see and to experience. This site is like no other. Post the above scripture everywhere in YOUR home, car, and office. The LORD has great things to reveal to YOU. Let the experience inspire YOU in becoming HIS Woman, a PRAYER WARRIOR.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Infusing your Body with Positive Frequencies - Sound

As a woman and a warrior of the Father, we must protect ourselves from physical sickness.  I found information how governments have been working overtime to destroy our bodies via frequencies of sound.  Here is what I found and how you can protect yourself and your families and start to heal your bodies.

I just put this on an Empath Community, so I thought to put it here on my blog too and touch more lives.

On these youtube posts, are the discovery of the HAARP (8+1+1+9+7 = -25 = -7) machine. It is a machine that is putting negative frequencies into our atmosphere. We are seeing the side effects, such as beached sea animals like whales and dolphins, more earthquake activity, higher amounts of death that can not be explained (along with Pharmaceutical drugs), droughts, hatred, more and more negative activity and have you had lots of headaches. I know our Earth is moving, negative frequencies that is being blasted in our atmosphere does not make our headaches go away, but this machine expounds upon it.

Here are the links to youtube and the HAARP machine:





This is an excellent article that explains the HAARP machine and human behavior. http://www.consumerhealth.org/articles/display.cfm?ID=20011005223152

I am sure our government is Not the only government that has been using frequencies to alter the human body. In fact, governments have been using frequencies in sound to destroy us for a long, long time. Dr Horowitz and Dr Puello have had significant research in this occult on our music since Hitler. Prophets for 1000's of years have been warning us that we will destroy ourselves.

There is Hope!!

To counter all of this we need to reset our own frequenies to the Ancient Solfeggios. Which the above dr's found in numbers 7 of the King James version of the Bible. I have put many posts on the chords to the days of the week, especially how it pertains to Sabbath as Sheba's day of healing guilt and fear. Go to www.528love.com. Then search my blog for the healing chords: http://annointedwithoil.blogspot.com.

My most viewed post is all about Energy-Frequencies, Is it biblical? There are so many examples in the Bible. Don't be afraid of looking more in depth in the Bible. More and more people are looking to books of the Prophets to answer the questions we are looking for in our great year of great change, healing, teaching, forgiveness!

I personally got complete healing using the 528 hz, 417 hz, and 396 hz with coral and blue clothing and the anointing oil from PTS (post traumatic stress) symptoms in 6 1/2 weeks. Now others can get healing a lot faster since I know exactly what to do. Also, my guitar and autoharp are completely tuned to these six notes. I believe acoustic sound is so much better for the body than digital.

It's interesting that the 528 hz, love, miracle and dna regeneration, is tuned to your heart. That is why cleansing of the ancients was so crucial, they were tuned to God and the environment around them.

If you don't have a guitar or harp, then turn your mp3's into heqling music. Pick a song that is instrumental only, such as Dino's piano or Mozart's piano concertos. Wind instruments are very soothing. Then download the audacity audio software. It's free. Download all plugins from the library and install. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

Open your audacity, import your mp3 or wav music. Go to Effect, change pitch, under frequency from __(leave as is)___ to 528, click. Go to Effect, change tempo, under Beats per minute, from 160 to 160, click ok. Why change the tempo? A persons heartbeat averages 160 bpm.

It is impotant to listen to the music to see if it is pleasant to listen to. Our music tend to be at such a high frequency that it does not do well in the conversion. I do have mp3's that I have changed to share via email. I will see if I can make it into a movie on youtube too.

I take things two to three steps further. I cleanse the Levite way soaking or washing with salt and vinegar mixture. I use the Revelations Anointing Oil as written in code in the KJV of the Bible. I also wore or covere myself with Corals and Blues. Coral is for Love. Blue for healing. (Learn more about the Rainbow click here.) I feel better and protected. :)

Please share any comments or praise reports. Another may be looking for the answer that you have already answered.

I want to thank my dear friend, Sharon, for sharing these wonderful links to the HAARP machine and article! Join her Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/jussta

~ Elena Rose Lynn
The Last End Times Prophetess
Redeemed Levite Priestess