Our Daily Words to Live By

In Psalm 37: 5-7a states, "Commit YOUR way to the LORD; trust in HIM and HE will do this: He will make YOUR righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of YOUR cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for HIM."

As YOU browse this site, open YOUR heart to what the LORD has invited YOU to see and to experience. This site is like no other. Post the above scripture everywhere in YOUR home, car, and office. The LORD has great things to reveal to YOU. Let the experience inspire YOU in becoming HIS Woman, a PRAYER WARRIOR.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Intro to the Mission: The Impossible

Good evening to my fellow Women Prayer Warriors,

Since the creation of this blog I have been on a fascinating journey.  It was full of ups and downs.  Lately they are full of more ups than downs.  I definately am not the same person who first started this blog.  If you have noticed, I have acquired a name change from my Heavenly Father. 

I am really excited to start new challenges for the Pre-12 days of Christmas.  Usually the 12 days of Christmas starts after Christmas day to Epiphany.  This time I am doing it before.  A new leader is rising in the mist of us!  Will we be ready for this challenge!?! 

For over a year, I have been going through a direct walk by faith and only by faith.  There were incredible things I had to say and do.  So now it's time to start putting your faith in action.  Remember the Israelites when they left Egypt to go into the unknown.  They only had the voice of their Leader, an ordinary man who was led by God.  Amazing and wonderful things also happened to them.  December marks another extraordinary time.  It is the 3rd ember or fire.  In fact, 'Dec' is from the word deca means 10.  We undergoing the Rule of the 10's.  Which is God's Leader with a Cycle Completed and a New Cycle Starting.

You are welcome to join me tomorrow night LIVE from your homes to hear about your FIRST Challenge (of 11 more to come), if you choose to accept it.  You will be challenged!  Just like I did!  I am gearing up to challenge more women to join the" Mission:  The Impossible".  Get geared up to put on your spiritual gear.  If you feel led to, please forward this to other Women Prayer Warriors!

"Mission: The Impossible" Live Radio Show 12/1/2012 9 pm MT! http://ow.ly/fJjZA

~ Elena Rose Lynn

The Last End Times Prophetess
Redeemed Levite Priestess

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