Our Daily Words to Live By

In Psalm 37: 5-7a states, "Commit YOUR way to the LORD; trust in HIM and HE will do this: He will make YOUR righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of YOUR cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for HIM."

As YOU browse this site, open YOUR heart to what the LORD has invited YOU to see and to experience. This site is like no other. Post the above scripture everywhere in YOUR home, car, and office. The LORD has great things to reveal to YOU. Let the experience inspire YOU in becoming HIS Woman, a PRAYER WARRIOR.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What does it mean to be a PRAYER WARRIOR?

In my own life I have been brought up to know that the LORD hears all that I say to him.  Believe it our not our conversation is like talking to one of YOUR friends on the phone or typing an e-mail across the internet.  The LORD hears all of our conversations.  He so longs to hear it directly from YOU!  Sometimes in our own despair all we have to do is just look up, after all, we have hit rock bottom.  I want to tell YOU that hitting rock bottom is only a step up and a look up into our Heavenly Father's direction.  Whatever YOU say in Christ's name, He is with YOU.  (Matthew 18:19-20 states "Again, I tell YOU that if two of YOU on earth agree about anything YOU ask for, it will be done for YOU by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.")

I want to take a few blogs to go into the types of prayers that YOU can pray.  If you are a new Christian and have no idea what prayer is, only know that it is a simple conversation to the Lord and He hears YOU at any time, day or night.

A PRAYER WARRIOR to me is the fact that I want to pray for me and my household.  Now that my household consists of only myself, I continue to extend that out to my children who don't live with me, then I extend that out to my family, my friends, and then those who surround me on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis.  A PRAYER WARRIOR consistently prays for all these people.  As a soldier of the National Guard I have been trained for battle, both physical and mental battles.  So as a PRAYER WARRIOR I am trained for the spiritual battle. 

I want this blog to be your spiritual training for the battle that we all face in our day to day life.  It's not going to be easy!  It's going to be rough and very hard!  It's going to be challenging!  Overcoming those fears that YOU want to just leave behind, in the closet or underneath the bed, collecting dust to never to see again!  It's going to test everything that YOU possess to include the talents that God gave YOU!  It's going to give YOU the power to resist temptation and strive for a completely different life that God has called YOU to live!

With that being said I want YOU to know that I have been there and done that!  I will be there every step of the way!  I believe that it is so very important that we as women stick together and find those things that God is showing in each one of us.  This will be a time for healing as well as arming us to be PRAYER WARRIORS with the fundamentals to continue to strive for what God wants from us and what God wants us to be.

On this journey, we will discover so many wonderous things that will be opened for all of us, our families and our nation.  I hope you stick it out and not flunk out of our "Basic Combat Training."  After all, I joined the military when I was in my mid-30's and passed.  YOU can pass this, too! 

Here are YOUR Expectations:

Expect YOURSELF to make mistakes and to full flat on YOUR face! Not once but many times over! 

Expect YOURSELF to reach out for help! 

Expect YOURSELF to take something way down deep in YOU to continue to move forward!

Expect YOURSELF to strive to reach out to help others! 

Expect that satan and all his demons (the enemy) will do whatever it takes to keep you from conquering YOUR battle.

Expect YOURSELF to know that when YOU reach out that, if noone else will, I will help YOU through the emotional and spiritual turmoil that YOU have went through or are still in!  If I hadn't hard Drill Sergeants who tore me down but then built me back up, I wouldn't have went through or graduated from my "Basic Combat Training."


Don't EVER admit to DEFEAT!  They are only little battles to a bigger war!

Don't leave a fellow PRAYER WARRIOR behind!



Be FORGIVING to YOUR enemy!  We'll do this in a way that won't hurt YOU!

PRAY for those who have hurt YOU (YOUR enemies)!

PRAY to bind Satan and all his demons from hurting YOU and YOUR family!  (Matthew 18:18 states "I tell YOU the truth, whatever YOU bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever YOU loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.")

OPEN YOUR heart to what God is going to show YOU!

READ the Bible on a DAILY basis!



We are going to be spending lots of time on Psalm 37.  I have many versions already posted on this blog.  If YOU need another version let me know and I'll add that one too.  Continue to read and re-read this Psalm.  It has wondorous promises for each one of us!  I will close this blog for now...take some time to contemplate what a PRAYER WARRIOR is to YOU!  What are some things that have been blocking YOU from attaining goals?  For finding a job? Getting up in the morning?  From being JOYOUS and having PEACE in YOUR life?

I recommend YOU to read "The Purpost of Christmas" by Rick Warren!  This will open YOUR heart up for this Christmas season!

In Christs' Enduring Love,


~Photos by in_love_with_kreation

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